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Objavljene študije, povzetki - ANG


Schneider, R. (2016) There Is Something in the Air: Testing the Efficacy of a new Olfactory Stress Relief Method (AromaStick®). Stress & Health, 32: 411–426

Summary: In recent years, aromatherapy has become increasingly popular for clinical treatment and therapeutic management of both acute and chronic stress. It targets distinct and unique neurobiological characteristics of the olfactory system, which is tightly linked to emotions and information processing as well as the autonomous nervous system. Yet, depending on the mode of application, aromatherapeutic interventions show varying degrees of therapeutic effectiveness. In a series of five experiments, the effects of a new mode of aromatherapeutic application (inhaler) was investigated, which is specifically designed to directly stimulate the olfactory system and to reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Overall, the application of the inhaler showed consistent and large psychological and physiological effects. It also clearly outperformed other stress management techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation, Bach flowers or passive resting periods (natural control). The effects occurred shortly after very few inhalations, drastically reduced stress related biomarkers (i.e. blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol) and considerably enhanced well-being.


Schneider, R. (2016) Direct Application of Specially Formulated Scent Compositions (AromaStick®) Prolongs Attention and Enhances Visual Scanning Speed. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30 (4): 650– 654

Summary: Recently, a series of experiments demonstrated that direct stimulation of the olfactory system by means of an odor inhaler targets brain areas associated with stress reduction and pain relief. This paper follows up on these findings and investigates whether such effects can also be found for inhalers specially designed to increase attention and concentration. In a three-armed, randomized, controlled experiment participants’ cognitive ability to discriminate between similar visual stimuli was tested either with or without the use of an odor inhaler. Concentration, visual scanning speed, and accuracy were assessed to gauge differential effects. Both odor inhalers outperformed the control condition where no odor was used. The effects were large and showed in all parameters. The direct application of specially designed essential oil compositions enhances attention and concentration when used during short-term breaks in a stressful and attention-demanding cognitive task.


Singer, N. & Schneider, R. (2017). Practically Relevant Stress Relieving Effects of Olfactory Stimuli Delivered by a Specially Formulated Odour Inhaler (AromaStick®): Overview of an Initial Series of Studies Testing Different Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy, 11: 48-58.

Summary: A series of studies was designed to investigate the effects of direct application of odours (using a nasal inhaler) in relieving stress. In order to see whether odour inhalers had any practical use, this method was compared to popular stress-relieving interventions. Results showed a consistent pattern of success with a pronounced, measurable impact on stress-related physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels) and mood, pointing to the practical relevance of this method of aromatherapy.


Schneider, R. (2017). From Pain to Pleasure: A Newly Developed Essential Oil Inhaler (AromaStick®) Alters Pain Dynamics and Increases Well-being. Results from Two Randomized, Controlled Documentation Studies. Current Psychopharmacology, 6, August.

Summary: Two prospective randomized, controlled cross-over documentary studies were conducted comparing participants’ individual pain management (menstrual pain and chronic lower back pain) with an odor inhaler used as an adjuvant. Results: The odor inhaler improved pain dynamics like onset of pain and pain duration for both menstrual and lower back pain in a natural setting. In individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain, the inhaler also increased the pain alleviating effect of the individual pain management method. In both studies, mood and well-being were considerably increased when the inhaler was applied. No side effects were reported.


Schneider R. (2018) A Breath of Fresh Air: Arterial Blood Oxygen Saturation Significantly Increased Upon the Use of an Essential Oil Inhaler (AromaStick). Results from a Prospective, Controlled, Experimental Study Involving Healthy Individuals. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews, 14; 1-8

Background: A number of recent studies have shown that a specifically designed odor inhaler containing various scent compositions has the ability to decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels. Similar results were found for the reduction of chronic pain or the enhancement of selective attention and concentration.

Objective: This paper follows up on these findings and investigates whether a specially designed inhaler (‘Energy’) is capable of temporarily increasing blood oxygenation.

Method: A prospective, controlled experimental study involving standardized breathing cycles was run to compare normal, deep breathing with breathing through an odor inhaler.

Results: The difference in blood oxygenation between normal breathing and odor inhalation was very large (d = 2). It lasted three times longer than that of normal breathing. The effect was shown in all individuals and did not abate after repeated use.

Conclusion: Blood oxygenation can be increased over and above the effect of deep breathing when using this odor inhaler.


Schneider, R. (2019). Seasonal allergic rhinitis is effectively assuaged with an essential oil inhaler (AromaStick®): Results from a randomized, controlled, double-blind effectiveness trial. The Natural Products Journal, 9, 39-46

Background: There are effective pharmaceutical agents to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis, but more and more individuals resort to alternative forms of treatment. One possible alternative candidate is essential oils. Recently, an inhaler specifically designed to deliver essential oil scents has proven very effective in treating various medical parameters (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol, blood oxygenation, or pain).

Objective: This work investigates whether an inhaler (AromaStick® ‘Nasal Fresh’) designed to clear the nasal passageway and reduce congestion has beneficial effects in individuals suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Method: A two-armed, randomized, controlled, double-blind effectiveness trial involving individuals with medium to strong symptoms was conducted to investigate the inhaler’s specific treatment effects.

Results: Over a period of two weeks, the odor inhaler strongly reduced allergic symptoms for both overall AR symptomatology (d = 1.2) and individual symptomatic allergic rhinitis burden (d = 1.7).

Conclusion: The inhaler produced strong symptom relief. Effects were largest in individuals suffering primarily from nasal symptoms.


Schneider, R., Singer, N., Singer, T. (2018) Medical Aromatherapy revisited – Basic mechanisms, critique, and a new development. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental, 34, e2683.

Objective: According to a series of recent meta‐analyses and systematic reviews, aromatherapy has shown to be effective in treating patients with different medical conditions. However, many of the clinical studies are of rather low methodological quality. Moreover, there is much conceptual ambiguity with regard to what aromatherapy actually constitutes.

Method: In this paper, we discuss the conditions under which aromatherapy is most likely to be of medical value by outlining the workings of the olfactory system and the necessary requirements of odors to be therapeutic. We then introduce an aromatherapeutic inhaler that was tested in a series of studies involving 465 participants.

Results: This inhaler (AromaStick®) produced large to very large effects across a variety of physiological target systems (e.g., cardiovascular, endocrine, blood oxygenation, and pain), both short term and long term.

Discussion: Inhalation of volatile compounds from essential oils yields almost immediate, large, and clinically relevant effects as long as the scents are delivered highly concentrated from an appropriate device. The changes caused in the body seem side effect‐free and can be sustained when inhalation is repeated.


Schneider, R. (2016) There Is Something in the Air: Testing the Efficacy of a new Olfactory Stress Relief Method (AromaStick®). Stress Health, 32: 411–426

Summary: In recent years, aromatherapy has become increasingly popular for clinical treatment and therapeutic management of both acute and chronic stress. It targets distinct and unique neurobiological characteristics of the olfactory system, which is tightly linked to emotions and information processing as well as the autonomous nervous system. Yet, depending on the mode of application, aromatherapeutic interventions show varying degrees of therapeutic effectiveness. In a series of five experiments, the effects of a new mode of aromatherapeutic application (inhaler) was investigated, which is specifically designed to directly stimulate the olfactory system and to reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Overall, the application of the inhaler showed consistent and large psychological and physiological effects. It also clearly outperformed other stress management techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation, Bach flowers or passive resting periods (natural control). The effects occurred shortly after very few inhalations, drastically reduced stress related biomarkers (i.e. blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol) and considerably enhanced well-being.


Schneider, R. (2016) Direct Application of Specially Formulated Scent Compositions (AromaStick®) Prolongs Attention and Enhances Visual Scanning Speed. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30 (4): 650– 654

Summary: Recently, a series of experiments demonstrated that direct stimulation of the olfactory system by means of an odor inhaler targets brain areas associated with stress reduction and pain relief. This paper follows up on these findings and investigates whether such effects can also be found for inhalers specially designed to increase attention and concentration. In a three-armed, randomized, controlled experiment participants’ cognitive ability to discriminate between similar visual stimuli was tested either with or without the use of an odor inhaler. Concentration, visual scanning speed, and accuracy were assessed to gauge differential effects. Both odor inhalers outperformed the control condition where no odor was used. The effects were large and showed in all parameters. The direct application of specially designed essential oil compositions enhances attention and concentration when used during short-term breaks in a stressful and attention-demanding cognitive task.


Singer, N. & Schneider, R. (2017). Practically Relevant Stress Relieving Effects of Olfactory Stimuli Delivered by a Specially Formulated Odour Inhaler (AromaStick®): Overview of an Initial Series of Studies Testing Different Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy, 11: 48-58.

Summary: A series of studies was designed to investigate the effects of direct application of odours (using a nasal inhaler) in relieving stress. In order to see whether odour inhalers had any practical use, this method was compared to popular stress-relieving interventions. Results showed a consistent pattern of success with a pronounced, measurable impact on stress-related physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels) and mood, pointing to the practical relevance of this method of aromatherapy.


Schneider, R. (2017). From Pain to Pleasure: A Newly Developed Essential Oil Inhaler (AromaStick®) Alters Pain Dynamics and Increases Well-being. Results from Two Randomized, Controlled Documentation Studies. Current Psychopharmacology, 6, August.

Summary: Two prospective randomized, controlled cross-over documentary studies were conducted comparing participants’ individual pain management (menstrual pain and chronic lower back pain) with an odor inhaler used as an adjuvant. Results: The odor inhaler improved pain dynamics like onset of pain and pain duration for both menstrual and lower back pain in a natural setting. In individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain, the inhaler also increased the pain alleviating effect of the individual pain management method. In both studies, mood and well-being were considerably increased when the inhaler was applied. No side effects were reported.

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